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1 VAGA DE Desenvolvedor de Sistemas EM Rio das Flores / RJ
Desenvolvedor de Sistemas
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Rio das Flores / RJ
Home Office
Requirements: do you have the following-- Full working proficiency in english and spanish. - A keen interest in the internet. - Good attention to detail. - Ability to work independently. - Access to a high- Eed internet connection and your own laptop / desktop with the latest version of windows, all provided at your own expense. Working on other os or mobile devices is not supported currently. - A live id. Responsibilities:we are currently seeking dynamic and creative people who have a strong interest in social media, specifically those who are an active daily user of their gmail account jornada laboral: meio tempotipo de emprego: freelance(Informação Confidencial)quantidades de vagas: 99 experiência mínima: não especificado indestinto.
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