1 VAGA DE Desenvolvedor de Sistemas EM São Bernardo do Campo / SP

Função/cargo da vaga:

Desenvolvedor de Sistemas


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Tipo de Vaga:

Home Office

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Descrição da vaga:

Work with us (brazil) tempo integral descrição da empresa applus idiada is a global partner to the automotive industry with over 30 years experience supporting its clients in product development activities by providing design, engineering, testing and homologation services. Idiadas success in product development is built on a unique blend of highly experienced engineers, state-Of-The-Art test and development facilities and the constant drive towards innovation. The company has 2.850 professionals and an international network of 56 subsidiaries and branch offices in 22 countries ensuring its clients receive fast, customized solutions. Descrição do emprego idiada is a leading company specializing in providing design, engineering, testing and homologation services to the automotive industry worldwide. Our reputation is based on the expertise of an international team of experts, our first class facilities and a constant drive towards innovation. We are constantly looking for dynamic and proactive people to join our team. Idiada provides comprehensive design, engineering, and validation services for vehicle development projects in the fields of: adas & cav, body development, chassis development, durability & reliability, electronics, hvac & thermal comfort, nvh, passive safety, powertrain. Idiada has the most comprehensive proving grounds in europe and asia, located in and . Both facilities offer excellent customer support and a wide variety of test tracks withthe highest standards of safety and confidentiality. Idiada offers homologation services in accordance with all european ec and ece regulations . We are also accredited for australia, europe, japan, taiwan, malaysia and give consultancy services to other countries and regions such as south america (including brazil), china, russia, middle east, gulf countries, asean, usa, canada, among others. Present in brazil for more than 10 years with 4 local units, approximately 200 employees working within or for the automakers. Qualificações benefits - Chance to work in a dynamic and challenging environment where you will be able to reach your full potential. - Constant learning and knowledge sharing with some of the most experienced engineers in the automotive industry. - Career progression. - A hybrid work model is a plan that incorporates a mixture of in-Office and remote work in an employees schedule - We promote the training and constant learning and we offer paid specialized training and subsidized language courses. - Gympass and total pass local da vaga.

Cód. 10035457
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