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1 VAGA DE Instrutor de Trânsito EM Itajaí / SC
Instrutor de Trânsito
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Itajaí / SC
Video player is videopauseunmutecurrent time 0:06/duration 0:30loaded: 100.00%0:tream type liveseek to live, currently behind liveliveremaining time -0:24 1xplayback ratechapterschaptersdescriptionsdescriptions off, selectedcaptionscaptions settings, opens captions settings dialogcaptions off, selectedaudio trackfullscreenthis is a modal of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the Transparentbackgroundcolorblackwhiteredgreenblueyellowmagentacyantransparencyopaquesemi-Transparenttransparentwindowcolorblackwhiteredgreenblueyellowmagentacyantransparencytransparentsemi-Transparentopaquefont size50%75%100%125%150%175%200%300%400%text edge stylenoneraiseddepresseduniformdropshadowfont familyproportional sans-Serifmonospace sans-Serifproportional serifmonospace serifcasualscriptsmall capsreset restore all settings to the default valuesdoneclose modal dialogend of dialog upnext up: work_life_hand_sanitiser instrutor de transito cat. Ab itajai-Sc - Instrutor de transito itajaí - Realizar ministração de aulas praticas em cfc, com credencial do estado de sc e na validade. Inicio imediato (Informação Confidencial) envio de
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