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1 VAGA DE Agente de Telemarketing EM Curitiba / PR
Agente de Telemarketing
Nome da empresa disponível para cadastrados.
R$ 1.400,000 Por Mês
Curitiba / PR
Ics is a north american based telemarketing firm with offices in curitiba and maringa. We are looking for people with great english communication skills, who are focused and capable of communicating with native english-speaking clients fluently. Interested applicants who are fluent or advanced in english may respond to this notification outlining your education and work experience. Selected applicants will be contacted via email and whatsapp, and requested to provide a cv in english, and after review of the cv, scheduled for an english evaluation over the phone to gauge your level of english fluency. After the evaluation, if your skills meet the minimum requirements, we will schedule a formal interview. English fluency ability to read and write in english Plano de saúde, vale refeição ou alimentação, vale transporte, bonus, oportunidade de aprimorar fluência no inglês. The position will require familiarity with basic office equipment and computer programs. It will also require the ability to sit for long periods of time and be on the phone for most of the day.
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