1 VAGA DE Cantor EM Canoinhas / SC

Função/cargo da vaga:



Nome da empresa disponível para cadastrados.

Salário da vaga de emprego de Cantor:

A combinar


Canoinhas / SC

Regime de contrato:


Descrição da vaga de Cantor:

Manage the agronomy field area from santa catarina and parana state. Develop and contribute for the successful agro planning deliverables. Develop a robust pipeline. Develop and implement the crop contracting strategies (geographical footprints). Develop commercial and marketing strategies and initiatives for agro implementation. Contribute with best practices for agronomy production way of workings standardization. Monitor and deliver successfully the agro kpi crop performance. Perform critical analysis of agro crop performance. Analyze the market environment and establish solid commercial strategies with business partners. Successfully implement the technical extension service programs with all jti growers. Drive the acceleration of technical and commercial agro necessities. Develop and deliver the reliable target crop production within minimum agronomic standards. Develop a strong and differentiated farmer base. Understand and connect the agro strategies and actions with the leaf sustainable framework . Lead the agronomy crop analysis events (conferences, meetings, crop reviews). Understand and ensure full integrated sustainability approach in all agro initiatives. Represent the company at events in general.

Cód. 8843111
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