2 VAGAS DE Trader Internacional EM Brasília / DF

Função/cargo da vaga:

Trader Internacional


Nome da empresa disponível para cadastrados.

Salário da vaga de emprego de Trader Internacional:

A combinar


Brasília / DF

Tipo de Vaga:

Home Office

Descrição da vaga de Trader Internacional:

Tridge is seeking to identify and recruit a world-class trade & engagement manager(“tem”), the pillar of tridge’s global trade ecosystem, in the food & agriculture industry. Tems are the communication bridge between suppliers, buyers, and tridge. As a key trading & sales representative of tridge, you will deliver our mission of creating a safe and efficient global trade ecosystem. As the operator of supplier and buyer engagement, you will facilitate communications and lay the foundation of successful trade deals. A trade & engagement manager at tridge will be responsible for: Engage buyers and suppliers: You will contact and invite suppliers and buyers to tridge. As the local representative of tridge, you will deliver the key benefits of using tridge platform and help them register on the tridge platform. Build strong relationships: You will communicate consistently with suppliers and buyers who have partnered with tridge. As the sales manager, you will ensure that the platform experience is pleasant and effortless for the suppliers and buyers. Collect intelligence: You will collect the most up-to-date market information through communicating with suppliers and buyers. You will also conduct comprehensive market research to strengthen tridge’s market intelligence. Cultivate market data credibility: You will evaluate the supplier's credibility based on the measurements and guidelines provided by tridge. Any other tasks that are necessary for maintaining the tridge system and business partnership. We are of a balanced view in considering the qualifications for this position rather than expecting all of these attributes to be demonstrated from any one single individual: +5 years of experience in sales or business development Knowledge in ndustries of the trading business of the following industries: Agriculture(fruits, grains, nuts) and aquaculture(fish farming and processing). Outstanding verbal and written communication skills in the local language & english

Cód. 6988509
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